Spotify User Research

I was part of a team that conducted user research into the behavior habits of music listeners and their attitudes toward modern streaming services. From our research, we created personas for the types of possible Spotify users, both paying and non-paying.


· Study Objective
· Moderator Guide
· Interview Summaries
· Persona Creation

ClientSpotify (Hypothetical)TypeUI/UXToolsGoogle Docs, Audio Recorder, MuralYear2016

The Objective

We began our study with the goal to understand the types of people who use music streaming services such as Spotify and their reasons for doing so.  Furthermore, we wanted to wanted to discover ways in which their experiences could be improved upon.

How We Began

For our study, we interviewed a sample size of 9 individuals to get their thoughts.  The process began with creating a moderator guide that was used as the basis for our interviews.  An open brainstorm amongst our group lead us to develop a range of questions that got at the music listening habits of our subjects.

The Interviews

Each of us were responsible for conducting 3 interviews.  My subjects varied in range for their responses.  Our written interview summaries gives a good synopsis of each subject.

Persona Creation

From the information gathered from our interview summaries, our group collaborated together to begin persona charting and clustering.  This lead to the development of a primary persona, a secondary persona, and a negative persona.

Our primary persona emerged as someone who enjoys listening to music and does it in a modern way through streaming services but is still not willing to pay it.  This Melodic Melanie as we called her, is single and in her early to mid 20s.

Our secondary persona was someone older–in their 30s with kids.  This Ranger Dave enjoys music like Melanie but is willing to pay for it due to having more disposable income.

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